Black Umfolosi is a wholly owned indigenous Zimbabwean Company formed and registered by citizens from diverse backgrounds of Matabeleland, Zimbabwe for the purpose of participating in the
country’s economic growth. Black Umfolosi Productions (Pvt) Ltd aims at growth from a small and medium enterprise to a corporate level.
The idea of Black Umfolosi came about in 1982 when a group of school mates started improvising their own means of entertainment, while at a ZIMFEP Institute. With a gentleness of spirit, a joy of singing and exuberance in dance, Black Umfolosi has touched audiences of all ages locally and internationally since then, and hence having done sixteen recordings.
Black Umfolosi Productions (Pvt) Ltd is equipped with the capacity to achieve vertical growth, take part in Global economy ownership, and competitively handle international deals.
Black Umfolosi is an award Winning Acappella singing and traditional dance group that was formed in 1982 by students who wanted to develop themselves and contribute to their communities, in a positive way. The main reason for this initiative was to preserve and revive the Imbube Culture which was at the time invaded by Break Dance and Western Culture, in which it was now facing elimination from African Dance Culture.
Black Umfolosi is the best travelled Group in Zimbabwe and Southern Africa, hence having toured extensively nationwide and internationally; Europe, USA, Canada, Australia and Asia. They have represented Zimbabwe at International events such as Universal Expo 1992 in Spain, Universal Expo in Portugal 1998 and the 1994 Commonwealth Games in Victoria, Canada among many more.
Black Umfolosi soon found the need in the visited communities for people to see and learn about Zimbabwean Traditions. The group made it their obligation to demonstrate and teach others around the world (including other African countries) about the Zimbabwean and most Southern African traditional dances and music.